Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Why Failing Is Good

As a masters athlete, we've probably had our share of successes and failures. We've had a chance to test our boundaries. And sometimes, we tend to stay well within them. So we don’t fail. As a result we have weak points.

Failing can be mentally crippling. We assume it’s a personification of whe we are as a person. “I failed, therefore, I am a failure and a loser.” It hurts our ego. It’s much easier to stick with the thing we’re good at? Right? WRONG!!! 

Failure teaches us more about ourselves than success. Failure teaches us where our shortcomings lie. It teaches us what we need to work on. It teaches us where our weaknesses are.

It’s important to fail the right way. Don’t take some astronomically stupid risk that jeopardizes all that you’ve worked for. Don’t attempt lifts that that you know you can’t do – that would just be a waste of time and serious risk of injury.

So, get out there and start failing. But make sure you learn from how you failed and so that you can suck less next time.